Megan Benzik

Megan grew up in Chicago and was diagnosed with Lupus when she was 12 years old. After realizing how much fitness and nutrition allowed her to heal herself and live a normal life, she was hooked. She became a personal trainer in 2008 with a goal to help as many people as possible heal themselves and live life on their own terms.

Megan discovered CrossFit in 2011 and her life completely changed. After watching the CrossFit games, she made a commitment to herself that she would one day compete against the top athletes in the world, despite living with Lupus. Since she never played any sports, this was a big commitment. In 2017 and 2018 she made it happen when she qualified and competed at regionals as an individual athlete.

After 2018 she needed a break from competition and pursued her love for nature and travel by living in a van and traveling to new places with her fiance and 2 pups. She spent a lot of time practicing yoga during this time and, of course, she still found a way to pack a barbell and some weights.

Now that she is settled in Phoenix she is focused on coaching her individual clients through ATOP Coaching, growing her walnut butter business, and training hard in the gym again.

Coaching CrossFit classes is a passion that she will always make time for in her life. She has coached at over 6 CrossFit gyms and is so excited to be a part of the Sol community.

Megan has been working 1 on 1 with individual clients for over 15 years and has been coaching CrossFit for over 12. She loves sharing her knowledge with others and reminding people that they can accomplish anything they set their minds to. Nothing in life has ever felt more fulfilling to Megan than helping guide someone on their journey to step into the highest version of themselves.


CrossFit Level 1

CrossFit Level 2

CrossFit Gymnastics

ISSA Fitness Trainer

ACE Health Coach

Precision Nutrition Level 1